Intake 13 Sept 2020 – 10 Days Intensive Program
I had an acute pain on my back to my right side abdomen. My first thought was gallstones and went for an ultrasound the next morning. It shows right adrenal gland mass 8cm big! Confirmed with a CT scan the same morning on 15 May 2020.
Initially I opted for surgery after detailed hormonal blood test. But something happened while waiting for blood results and referral appointment to Putrajaya Hospital. I injured my right foot, sustained fractures 2nd-4th metatarsal bones and I was put on right foot cast. Nevertheless, it turned out to be a blessing in disguise indeed.
The surgeon could not schedule me for surgery. The specialist said it would be an open surgery due to its 8cm size. I was taken aback and fear seized me. Then I seek Dr. Lee from Aenon Health Care for advice. With intercessory prayers, charcoal pack on my back, steam bath for a month and follow up with an ultrasound.
It was a MIRACLE!
The adrenal gland mass shrank to 3.4cm. I was very happy and thank God for His goodness.
So with the ultrasound report, I went for my follow-up in Putrajaya Hospital. The doctors were amazed and explained that with inflammation reduced, the mass can shrink about 1cm but never 5cm. Then they arranged for a repeat CT scan protocol. It was done on 19 August 2020, report shows right adrenal gland mass 3.4 and left adrenal 3.7cm which baffled me. The radiologist reported Malignancy needs to be considered or Metastasis.
We returned home to see Dr. Lee and was advised to do a 10-day cancer program assuming it is Adenocarcinoma. So I checked in to Aenon Health Care on 13 Sept – 22 Sept 2020.
I was very grateful to Aenon’s team for their professional and personalised treatment and service rendered me. I repeated an ultrasound on 30 Sept 2020. Lo and behold! No residual left adrenal mass seen! It was completely resolved. My right adrenal shrink smaller to 2.2cm.
Praise God! I was so elated and could not stop thanking God for His healing hands on me. I believe it’s God’s healing power, in Exodus 15:26 I Am the Lord that healed thee.
Aenon Health Care is in Tampin, Negeri Sembilan, ” a little heaven on earth” was my healing experience there.